Thursday, September 20, 2012


Our world is being heLd together by water. 40% of diseases are caused by our water. We're reusing our own water multiple times over. That is wcauseing us to interact with synthetic chemicals that our bodies are constantly adapting to. Atrazine is the highest pollutant in our water from the killing of weeds in corn fields and such, an effect of this pollution is a low sperm count. And as assumed by many that the government does protect our water, you'll find that they don't. People don't realize how important our rivers are, and how dangerous it is to pollute them. Water is not plentiful around the world. The poor people pay more for their water than the rich do. The government told them that they would fix the problem! But they have yet to do so. The government wants to fix the water problem, but they don't want to tax people that can't pay the tax. We rely way too much on bottled water. Bottled water is not any safer or cleaner than tap water. All bottled water is doing is making a profit and polluting our earth.

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